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Chairman's Message

chairman's TITE
Dr. Avaya Kumar Nayak

OAS (SS) Retd., Chairman, TITE

From the Desk of the Chairman

Today the world faces array of problems that will require the talents and creativity of engineering professionals in particular. It is also a fact that important new skills are demanded of the engineers of the 21st Century. In recent years, we have gathered significant new knowledge on how to enhance the learning opportunities for our students. Yet the interest in engineering education continues to decline, especially among women and under-represented minorities. We must find new ways to share the excitement and possibilities, a career in engineering education which can directly or indirectly influence the quality of life.

Over the past years, TITE’s role and leadership in various activities have grown significantly. These activities provide TITE and its students and members the potential for expanding educational opportunities for our students and faculty. Opportunities for collaboration on education and research initiatives through exposure to different foreign lands has added new enthusiasm. To maximize the impact of these activities and benefit to our members, we must articulate a clear vision to guide our decisions as we move forward. Over the next years, one of the major goals of all the trustees of Knowledge Trust is to engage our members and staff in developing a plan to ensure financial sustainability, defining strategies for meeting the needs of our members and enhancing opportunities for broadening participation in engineering.

It will continue to make all efforts to be a leader in the world of engineering and technical education. However, given the global economy in which we live in and the many challenges we face, it is important we remain focused on our mission to promote excellence in education and research, exercise world leadership, foster the technological education of our society and provide quality products and services to our members.

Dr. Avaya Kumar Nayak
