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Basic Science

Physics Laboratory

Physics is the study of nature which is demonstrated at Physics Laboratory. Physics Laboratory imparts the necessary theoretical knowledge and technical skill for all the budding Engineers of TITE to handle the precision tools and electronic gadgets there by lying the foundation stone for the future technocrats in the practice of their professions. The basic focus in the Physics Laboratory is to develop scientific temper and encourage students to innovate in diverse technical areas for better understanding of technical and engineering problems.

Students will attend labs where they will see principle of Physics in action. The Physics Laboratory is well ventilated having a floor area of 175 m2 inclusive of a separate dark room for the optical experiments. There is ample provision of steel almirah and iron racks for safe storage of the equipments.The experiments prescribed by BPUT have been carefully planned in cycles so that maximum 2 to 3 students can conduct a single experiments in given period. Multiplicity of gadgets is avoided ensuring maximum resource utilization. The dark room of the physics lab is well equipped to conduct optical experiments.

Experiment set-ups are available in the department for laboratory work to substantiate the theory that is being taught in the class during 1st/2nd semesters as per the BPUT syllabus. It is equipped with all the apparatus required as per the BPUT curriculum. Adequate number of sets of each experiment is available so as to accommodate 30 students at a time in the laboratory. Each group is guided by a team of two faculty members, one laboratory assistant and one laboratory attendant.

In Physics laboratory we have various physics instruments like-

1. Searle's apparatus
2. Surface tension Kit
3. Traveling Microscopes
4. Bar Pendulum
5. Telescopes
6. Lee's Disc Apparatus
7. Newton's Ring Apparatus
8. Sprectrometer
9. Junction Diode Kit
10. Sonometer
11. Transistor Characteristics Kit
12. RC Circuit Kit
13. Optical Bench
14. Plank's Constant Apparatus
15. Modulus of Rigidity Apparatus
16. Hall Effect kit

A comprehensive demonstration is carried out by the faculty members for each experiment to help the students in better understanding of the experimental procedure and the theoretical concepts required to perform that experiment. Besides, in every practical class there is a viva-voce test of the concerned experiment to asses the understanding of the students.

As per BPUT curriculum, We conduct the following experiments in our lab.

• Determination of acceleration due to gravity by using bar pendulum
• Determination of wave length of monochromatic light with the help of Newton’s ring apparatus.
• Determination of grating element of a diffraction grating using spectrometer
• Study of resonance using sonometer for unknown frequency
• Study of RLC Circuit
• Determination of surface tension of water by capillary rise method
• To draw the characteristics of a bipolar junction transistor
• To determine the rigidity modulus of the material of a wire by using Barton’s apparatus.
• To determine e/m ratio
• Magnetic field measurement from Helmholtz coil

Apart from the above, provision exists to conduct the following experiments.

1. Determination of Rigidity modulus by static methods.
2. Determination of wavelength of laser source by diffraction grating methods.
3. Study of Hall Effect.
4. Study of a Photoemission.

In addition to afore mentioned regular assignments, Physics Laboratory is actively engaged in research, development and project preparation activities at TITE. This vibrant research benefits the engineering students as professors bring the excitement of their front line research into the classroom. Many undergraduate projects are associated with this research hub.

Chemistry Laboratory

The Chemistry Laboratory is well located with an airy and spacious hall of floor area 175 sq.meter including a store room for safe keeping of explosive & corrosive chemicals in view of the Laboratory safety. Each working table in the laboratory is well furnished with reagent racks & well connected with water supply & Burners. The experiments prescribed by BPUT have been carefully planned in cycles so that individual student can conduct single experiments independently and multiplicity of gadgets is avoided ensuring maximum resource utilization.The Demonstrator to students ratio in the labs is maintained at 1:15 and the lab groups are planned at 30 each. The students conduct their Lab. Assignments under the vigilant guidance and support of two faculty members, one Laboratory Assistant & one laboratory attendant.

The Chemistry Laboratory is well equipped with various instruments other than the usual glasswares & chemicals as per BPUT syllabus, which includes:

• Digital Spectrophotometer
• Dissolve Oxygen meter
• Pensky Marten Flash Point Apparatus
• Cleveland Flash & Fire Point Apparatus
• Redwood Viscometer No.1
• Muffle Furnace
• Water Bath(6 holes)
• Water distillation Unit
• Digital pH meter
• Triple Beam Balance
• Analytical Balance

As per syllabus prescribed by BPUT, the laboratory is conducting with the following Experiments

• Determination of the alkalinity in the given water sample.
•Determination of the temporary and permanent hardness in the given water sample by complexometric titration using EDTA as standard solution.
• Determination of amount of available chlorine in bleaching powder.
• Standardization of potassium permanganate using sodium oxalate
•Determination of amount of ferrous iron present in Mohr’s salt.
• Determination of the rate constant of a chemical reaction.
• Estimation of calcium in Limestone.
• Determination of dissolved oxygen in water sample.
• Determination of the partition coefficient of a chemical between two immiscible liquids.
• Determination of the strength of given HCl solution by titrating it against NaOH solution using PH meter.
• Conduct metric titration of strong acid and strong base.
• Determination of viscosity of lubricating oil by Redwood viscometer.
• Determination of flash point of a given oil by Pensky-Martens flash point apparatus.
• To find out the concentration of a given potassium permanganate solution spectrophotometric method.
• Synthesis of Aspirin/Paracetamol.