Celebration of "International Mountain Day" in association with "Green Army"
One Day Workshop On "RESEARCH METRICS - A PROTOTYPE FOR QUANTIFYING RESEARCH OUTPUT" bu Dr. R H Goudar Under Twining Activity of BPUT with VTS Organised by TITE
Mega Blood Donation Camp at TITE
Saraswati Puja at TITE
Republic Day Celebration at TITE
Seminar on Investment in the Commodity Market & Cyber Security
This Seminar held at TITE. Seminar on "Investment in the Commodity Market" by Mr. Vibhor Tandon (AVP, MCX India) & Mr. Arunava Chattopadhyay, (MCX Inidia). Seminar on "Cyber Security" by Sandeep Sengupta, MD (ISOAH).